What is the cross product of <-3,0, 8 > and <-1, -2, 9 >?

2 Answers
Jun 14, 2017

16hati + 19hatj + 6hatk




For a hand-made explanation on vector multiplication, click here (you can scroll down to the vector/cross product section); it explains basically all you need to know.

If you followed the link, you'll find (somewhere in the cross products section) an explanation about how cross products are found.

In short, you can use the following equation to find its components, using components of the two vectors, which we'll call vecA and vecB, and the vector product vecC:

C_x = A_yB_z - A_zB_y

C_y = A_zB_x - A_xB_z

C_z = A_xB_y - A_yB_x

Plugging in the values, we have

C_x = (0)(9) - (8)(-2) = color(red)(16

C_y = (8)(-1) - (-3)(9) = color(blue)(19

C_z = (-3)(-2) - (0)(-1) = color(green)(6

In unit vectors, the cross product is

color(red)(16)hati + color(blue)(19)hatj + color(green)(6)hatk

Or alternatively,


Jun 14, 2017



Multiply the major diagonals:

| (color(red)(hati),color(blue)(hatj),color(yellow)(hatk),hati,hatj), (-3,color(red)(0),color(blue)(8),color(yellow)(-3),0), (-1,-2,color(red)(9),color(blue)(-1),color(yellow)(-2)) | =

color(red)((0)(9)hati)+ color(blue)((8)(-1)hatj)+ color(yellow)((-3)(-2)hatk)

Multiply the minor diagonals:

| (hati,hatj,color(yellow)(hatk),color(red)(hati),color(blue)(hatj)), (-3,color(yellow)(0),color(red)(8),color(blue)(-3),0), (color(yellow)(-1),color(red)(-2),color(blue)(9),-1,color(yellow)(-2)) | =

color(red)((0)(9)hati)+ color(blue)((8)(-1)hatj)+ color(yellow)((-3)(-2)hatk)- color(red)((8)(-2)hati) - color(blue)((-3)(9)hatj) - color(yellow)((0)(-1)hatk) =


In the original notation <16,19,6>