What is the difference between the standard deviation and margin of error?

1 Answer
Jan 28, 2016

Both characterize the quality of approximation of some unknown constant with results of its statistical evaluation.
Knowing one of them, we can determine another.



When values of the random variable xi, normally distributed with mathematical expectation mu and standard deviation sigma, are used to find an approximation for mu, there is a dependency between sigma and confidence interval of a radius Delta around mu, where the values of xi must be with certain probability, so we can say that
"With probability P the values of random variable xi will fall in an interval from mu - Delta to mu + Delta."

Given any required probability P, we can find confidence interval Delta if we know the standard deviation sigma.
Obviously, the higher required probability with a given standard deviation sigma - the wider confidence interval must be.
On the other hand, if probability P is fixed, the smaller standard deviation sigma is - the narrower confidence interval should be to satisfy the probability.

Radius of the confidence interval Delta is called a margin of error.


100 people measure the length of a car.
Their results X_1,X_2...X_100 can be interpreted as values of normally distributed random variable with mathematical expectation equaled to the real length of a car mu and some standard deviation sigma that depends on precision of the measuring instrument and accuracy of the people.

Let's approximate unknown mu as
mu ~= (X_1+X_2+...+X_100)/100
and approximate unknown sigma as
sigma = sqrt(((X_1-mu)^2+(X_2-mu)^2+...+(X_100-mu)^2)/100)

Knowing these approximate values and fundamental properties of the normal distribution, for a given probability P=0.95 we can derive that confidence interval should be within an interval from mu - 2sigma and mu + 2sigma, Radius of the confidence interval (that is a margin of error Delta) is 2sigma.

So, we can say that with probability 95% the car length is between mu - 2sigma and mu + 2sigma.

As you see, standard deviation and margin of error are functionally dependent.