What is the domain and range of {(1,8) (2,3) ( 3,5) (4,0) (5,9)}?

1 Answer
May 8, 2017

Domain is Set A : { 1,2,3,4,5 }
Range is Set C : { 8,3,5,0,9 }


Let #f# is a Function , #f# : A→B, Set A is known as the Domain of #f# and Set B is known as the Co-Domain of #f#. The set of all #f# images of elments of A is known as the Range of #f#. Thus :-

Domain of #f# = {#x # I #x# ϵ A, (#x, f(x)) #ϵ#f# }

Range of #f# = {#f(x)# I #x# ϵ A, #f(x) #ϵ B }

NOTE :- "Range is a subset of Co-domain"