What is the landing point?

A projectile is fired due east with initial speed 100 ft/s from the top of a hill 20 ft above the ground at an angle #pi/3# above the horizontal. The object has a mass of 1 slug. There is a southerly Magus force of 4 pounds.


the solution is (24.3,174.2,0). I don't know how to start it?

1 Answer
Mar 11, 2018

Unable to get posted solution.


Let us define three dimensional coordinate system with origin located at the ground level below the point of projection. The projectile has three motions. Vertically up #hatz#, Horizontal #hatx# and Southerly #hat y#. As all three directions are orthogonal to each other, each can be treated separately.

Vertical motion.
To calculate the time of flight #t# we use the kinematic expression

#s=s_0+ut+1/2at^2# ........(1)

Taking #g=32\ fts^-2#, noting that gravity acts in the downwards direction, remembering that when the projectile hits ground its height is #z=0#, and inserting given values we get

my comp
Found roots of this quadratic equation using in built graphics tool as

#t=-0.222 and 5.635\ s#.

Ignoring the #-ve# root as time can not be negative we have time of flight

#t=5.635\ s# ........(2)

Horizontal motion.
Distance traveled #x# during time of flight, with initial horizontal velocity #=100cos(pi/3)=50\ fts^-1#

#x=50xx5.635=281.75\ ft#

Southerly motion.
Given mass of projectile #=1\ slug~~32.17\ lb#
Force is given #=4\ lb#
From Newton's Second Law of Motion we get southerly acceleration #a# as

#=>a=4/32.17\ fts^-2#

Using (1) we get southerly displacement as

#y=-1.97\ ft#

I found #(281.75,-1.97, 0)#