What is the LCM of 18 and 24?

2 Answers
Sep 28, 2016


Multiples of 18 are {18,36,54,color(red)72,90,108,126,color(red)144,162,...}

Multiples of 24 are {24,48,color(red)72,96,120,color(red)144,168,...}

Hence, common multiples are {72,144,...........}

and Least Common Multiple is 72.

Jun 11, 2018



Write each number as the product of its prime factors:

The LCM must contain all the factors of each number, but without any duplicates.

" "18 = 2color(white)(xxxx.x)xx3xx3
" "24 = ul(2xx2xx2xx3)
LCM = 2xx2xx2xx3xx3 = 72