What is the limit of #((1)/(x))-((1)/(e^(x)-1))# as x approaches infinity?

1 Answer
Jun 13, 2017

If two limits added together individually approach 0, the whole thing approaches 0.

Use the property that limits distribute over addition and subtraction.

#=> lim_(x->oo) 1/x - lim_(x->oo) 1/(e^x - 1)#

The first limit is trivial; #1/"large" ~~ 0#. The second one asks you to know that #e^x# increases as #x# increases. Hence, as #x->oo#, #e^x -> oo#.

#=> color(blue)(lim_(x->oo) 1/x - 1/(e^x - 1))#

#= 1/oo - 1/(oo - cancel(1)^"small")#

#= 0 - 0 = color(blue)(0)#