What is the name for "Sn"_3("PO"_4)_2?
1 Answer
Tin(II) phosphate.
The trick here is to recognize the fact that you're dealing with a transition metal, which should let you know that the name of the compound will have to include Roman numerals.
You should also recognize the fact that this compound contains the phosphate polyatomic ion,
So, tin,
As you know, ionic compounds are neutral compounds, which implies that the overall positive charge coming from the cations must be balanced by the overall negative charge coming from the anions.
Notice that the chemical formula
"Sn"_ color(blue)(3)("PO"_ 4)_ color(red)(2)
shows that one formula unit of this compound contains
- three cations,
color(blue)(3) xx "Sn"^(color(red)(?+) - two anions,
color(red)(2) xx "PO"_4^(color(blue)(3-))
Since the phosphate anion carries a
color(red)(2) xx (3-) = (6-)
This implies that the total positive charge of the three tin cations must be equal to
color(blue)(3) xx (color(red)(?+)) = (6+) implies color(red)(?) = ((6+))/color(blue)(3) = (color(red)(2+))
So, you now know that the cation carries a
Put all this together to get
"Sn"_ 3("PO"_ 4)_ color(red)(2) implies "tin"(color(red)("II")) color(white)(.)"phosphate"