What is the new vapor pressure for water that now boils at 90^@ "C"90C instead of 100^@ "C"100C?

To what number do we need to lower down pressure in order for water to boil on 90 degrees?
Latent heat of evaporation is 71 849 J/g.

EDIT: A more accurate number would be 2264.78 J/g.

- Truong-Son

1 Answer
Jan 1, 2017

I get "0.6961 atm"0.6961 atm, or "529.1 torr"529.1 torr, or 7.054xx10^47.054×104 "Pa"Pa.

This should make physical sense, because we physically see water boiling more easily (i.e. at lower temperatures) at higher altitudes, at which there is a lower atmospheric pressure.

Keep in mind that the Clausius-Clapeyron equation assumes the lnln of the pressure varies linearly with reciprocal temperature in a small temperature range.

The actual number is more like P_2 = "0.6918 atm"P2=0.6918 atm, or "525.8 torr"525.8 torr, which gives 0.62%0.62% error.

Or, from the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, P_2 = "0.6920 atm"P2=0.6920 atm, or "525.9208 torr"525.9208 torr, giving 0.59%0.59% error.

(David R. Lide, ed. (2005). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. p. 6-8.)

You may want to reference this answer for a derivation of the Clausius Clapeyron equation, which is most effective for ideal gases:

(dlnP)/(dT) = (DeltabarH_"vap")/(RT_b^2)

or the logarithmic form,

ln(P_2/P_1) = -(DeltabarH_"vap")/(R)[1/T_(b2) - 1/T_(b1)],

where we assume DeltabarH_"vap" varies negligibly with temperature, and:

  • DeltabarH_"vap" = (DeltaH_"vap")/n is the molar enthalpy of vaporization in "kJ/mol".
  • R = "0.008314472 kJ/mol"cdot"K" is the universal gas constant.
  • T_b is the boiling point.
  • P is the pressure at which the substance boils. P_2 is the new pressure, and P_1 is some reference pressure.

We know that the normal boiling point of water is 100^@ "C", or "373.15 K", at an atmospheric pressure of "1 atm".

Your enthalpy of vaporization doesn't look right, though... the molar enthalpy of vaporization of water is DeltabarH_"vap" = "40.8 kJ/mol", or "2264.78 J/g". I'm going to use that number instead...

When we set P_1 = "1 atm", T_1 = 100^@ "C" = "373.15 K", and T_2 = 90^@ "C" = "363.15 K", we get:

ln(P_2/"1 atm") = -(40.8 cancel"kJ/mol")/(0.008314472 cancel("kJ/mol")cdot"K")[1/("363.15 K") - 1/("373.15 K")]

= -("4907.11 K")[1/("363.15 K") - 1/("373.15 K")]

= -0.3621

=> color(blue)(P_2) = ("1 atm")e^(-0.3621)

= color(blue)("0.6961 atm")