What is the total distance of 1 seconds? in meters What is the total distance of 2 seconds? in meters Freely Falling Object

1 Answer
Feb 2, 2018

distance in 1 second = 0.5g.
In 2 seconds = 2g


Supose an object initialy at rest (#v_o=0)#
We know that acceleration #a=(v_f -v_o)/t#. Thus we have
#a=v_f/t#. Trasposing...#v_f=at#
A freely falling object has as only force gravity #g=9.8 msec^-2#
Integrating over t we have #s=1/2at^2#. Thus we have
t=1 sec #s=1/2 g= m#
t=2 sec #s=1/2 g t^2=19.6 m#