What is the unit vector that is orthogonal to the plane containing (8i + 12j + 14k) (8i+12j+14k) and (2i + 3j – 7k) ?
1 Answer
A vector which is orthogonal (perpendicular, norma) to a plane containing two vectors is also orthogonal to the given vectors. We can find a vector which is orthogonal to both of the given vectors by taking their cross product. We can then find a unit vector in the same direction as that vector.
For the
For the
For the
Our normal vector is
Now, to make this a unit vector, we divide the vector by its magnitude. The magnitude is given by:
The unit vector is then given by:
vecu=(< -126,84,0 >)/(42sqrt(13))
vecu=1/(42sqrt(13))< -126,84,0>
or equivalently,
vecu=< -3/(sqrt(13)),2/(sqrt(13)),0>
You may also choose to rationalize the denominator:
vecu=< (-3sqrt(13))/13, (2sqrt(13))/13, 0 >