What is the unit vector that is orthogonal to the plane containing (-i + j + k) (i+j+k) and (3i + 2j - 3k) (3i+2j3k)?

1 Answer
Mar 13, 2018

There are two unit vectors here, depending on your order of operations. They are (-5i +0j -5k)(5i+0j5k) and (5i +0j 5k)(5i+0j5k)


When you take the cross product of two vectors, you are calculating the vector that is orthogonal to the first two. However, the solution of vecAoxvecBAB is usually equal and opposite in magnitude of vecBoxvecABA.

As a quick refresher, a cross-product of vecAoxvecBAB builds a 3x3 matrix that looks like:

|i j k||ijk|
|A_x A_y A_z|AxAyAz
|B_x B_y B_z|BxByBz

and you get each term by taking the product of the diagonal terms going from left to right, starting from a given unit vector letter (i, j, or k) and subtracting the product of diagonal terms going from right to left, starting from the same unit vector letter:

(A_yxxB_z-A_zxxB_y)i+(A_zxxB_x-A_x xxBz)j+(A_x xxB_y-A_yxxB_x)k(Ay×BzAz×By)i+(Az×BxAx×Bz)j+(Ax×ByAy×Bx)k

For the two solutions, lets set:

Let's look at both solutions:

  1. vecAoxvecBAB

As stated above:

vecAoxvecB=(A_yxxB_z-A_zxxB_y)i+(A_zxxB_x-A_x xxBz)j+(A_x xxB_y-A_yxxB_x)kAB=(Ay×BzAz×By)i+(Az×BxAx×Bz)j+(Ax×ByAy×Bx)k

vecAoxvecB=(1xx(-3)-1xx2)i+(1xx3-(-1)xx(-3))j+(-1 xx2-1xx3)kAB=(1×(3)1×2)i+(1×3(1)×(3))j+(1×21×3)k



  1. vecBoxvecABA

As a flip to the first formulation, take the diagonals again, but the matrix is formed differently:

|i j k||ijk|
|B_x B_y B_z|BxByBz
|A_x A_y A_z|AxAyAz

vecBoxvecA=(A_zxxB_y-A_yxxB_z)i+(A_x xxB_z-A_z xxBx)j+(A_y xxB_x-A_x xxB_y)kBA=(Az×ByAy×Bz)i+(Ax×BzAz×Bx)j+(Ay×BxAx×By)k

Notice that the subtractions are flipped around. This is what causes the 'Equal and opposite' form.

vecBoxvecA=(1xx2-1xx(-3))i+((-1) xx(-3)-1 xx3)j+(1 xx3-(-1) xx2)kBA=(1×21×(3))i+((1)×(3)1×3)j+(1×3(1)×2)k
