What particle is needed to complete this nuclear reaction? "_86^222Rn->"_84^218 Po + underline ?

1 Answer
Nov 30, 2016

An alpha particle.


The thing to remember about nuclear equations is that mass and charge must always be conserved.

In other words, in any nuclear equation

  • the overall mass number remains unchanged
  • the overall atomic number remains unchanged

Your unbalanced nuclear equation looks like this

""_ (color(white)(1)color(blue)(86))^color(darkgreen)(222)"Rn" -> ""_ (color(white)(1)color(blue)(84))^color(darkgreen)(218)"Po" + ""_ (color(blue)(Z))^color(darkgreen)(A)"?"

The goal here is to find the atomic number, color(blue)(Z), and the mass number, color(darkgreen)(A), of the unknown particle.

Since the overall mass number must be conserved, you can say that

color(darkgreen)(222) = color(darkgreen)(218) + color(darkgreen)(A) -> conservation of mass

This will get you

color(darkgreen)(A) = 222 - 218 = 4

The overall atomic number is also conserved, so you can say that

color(blue)(86) = color(blue)(84) + color(blue)(Z)

This will get you

color(blue)(Z) = 86 - 84 = 2

The unknown particle has a mass number equal to 4 and an atomic number equal to 2, which means that you're dealing with an alpha particle.


In essence, an alpha particle is simply the nucleus of a helium-4 atom, i.e. it contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

You can now complete the nuclear equation that describes the alpha decay of radon-222 to polonium-218

""_ (color(white)(1)86)^222"Rn" -> ""_ (color(white)(1)84)^218"Po" + ""_ 2^4alpha