What percent of 7y is 119?

1 Answer
Feb 27, 2018

A bit of teaching about percentages given as you used that word.

Suppose you mean: given that #7y=119# what is #y#
The answer to this is #y=17#


#color(blue)("Teaching about percentage")#

Let me demonstrate by example:

Have a bag of sweets that contains a total of 50 sweets.

From that 50 we select 3 sweets. Then as a fraction of the whole we have #3/50# of the whole bag of sweets.

Percentage is just a fraction but a special one. What makes it special is that the bottom number is always 100.

So percentage in fraction format is #("some count")/100#

Lets convert our #3/50# into percentage.

We need to make the bottom number become 100.

If you multiply by 1 you do not change the value. However, 1 comes in many forms.

#color(green)(3/50color(red)(xx1) color(white)("dddd") =color(white)("dddd")3/50color(red)(xx2/2))#



We now have our percentage as a fraction.

#color(green)("Another way of writing this is "6%)#
#color(blue)("Determine the value of "y" from "7y=119)#

#color(purple)("Using first principles to explain what is happening")#

#color(purple)("Shortcut methods are just remembering what happens")##color(purple)("in first principles")#

This is the same as #7xxy=119#

We need to get #y# on its own on one side of the = and everything else on the other side.

We can turn the 7 into 1. Divide both sides of the = by #color(red)(7)#

#color(green)(7y=119 color(white)("dddd")->color(white)("dddd")7/color(red)(7)y=119/color(red)(7))#

But #7/7# is the same as 1

#color(green)(color(white)("ddddddddddd")->color(white)("dddd")1xxy=17 #
