What's a sentence with a compound direct object?
2 Answers
Vanessa rode her bike. (Vanessa rode what? She rode her bike . Bike is the direct object in the sentence.)
A compound direct object occurs when more than one noun, pronoun, or group of words acting as a noun receives the action of the same transitive verb.
For example, in the sentence
Mary saw the D.O.lion at the zoo.
The only direct object is lion. However, if Mary sees more than one noun, we have a compound direct object, since the same verb is acting on multiple nouns.
Mary saw the D.O.lion and the D.O.seal at the zoo.
Here, the nouns lion and seal make up the compound direct object.
Be careful! A sentence can still have two direct objects and not contain a compound direct object. When the two direct objects are acted on by different verbs, they are just direct objects. An example of a sentence with two direct objects but no compound direct objects is:
Mary saw the D.O.lion and loved the D.O.seal at the zoo.
Here, the lion was seen, but the seal was loved.