Which roof is steeper: one with a rise of 8 and run of 4, or one with a rise of 12 and a run of 7?

1 Answer
Nov 8, 2016

The first roof is steeper.


Let's write the slopes as fractions first:

Slope = m ="rise"/"run"

m_1 = 8/4 and m_2 = 12/7

To compare them:

  • as simplified fractions. m_1 = 2 and m_2 = 1 5/12
  • as fractions with a common denominator:

m_1 = 56/28 and m_2 = 48/28

  • as decimals:

m_1 = 2and m_2 = 1.716

In all cases we see that the first roof is steeper.