Why are fossils are taken as the strongest evidence obtained so far regarding the evolution of organisms ? Give reason

1 Answer
Mar 23, 2018

Fossils show evidence of movement from the simple to the complex as required by Darwinian evolution descent with modification.


Darwinian evolution postulated that all organisms were descended from a single ancestral organism by decent with modification. The first organism was obviously very simple present organisms are very complex. Darwin's theory requires an increase in complexity of organisms.

The geological record as constructed using Darwin's theory shows a progression from the simple to the complex. While this is a circular argument it is the strongest evidence for the theory of descent with modification central to Darwin's theory of evolution.

Embryology once thought to show evidence of evolution, ontology showing the progression in the development of embryos has been proven false.

Evidence of changes within a species were extrapolated as evidence for Darwin's theory. The Origin of Species used the artificial selection of the pigeons as evidence that natural selection could create new information and complexity. These extrapolations have fallen short of providing evidence of possible changes from one species to another. Pigeons revert to the natural form. Peppered moths revert back to the natural form.

Studies of DNA while showing similarities between organisms also provides evidence against the movement of the simple to the complex. The adaptation of bacteria to antibiotics has been found be a loss of information. All known mutations have been shown to be a loss of information not an increase in information.

No present empirical evidence supports the idea of that natural causes can result in an increase of complexity. The idea that descent with modification has happened in the past is supported by the fossil record. This makes the fossil record the strongest evidence for Darwin's theory of evolution.