Why do transition elements exhibit such a variety of coloured compounds, complexes and different oxidation states?

1 Answer
Jun 21, 2017

It is mainly due to the closeness of the energy levels of the nsns and (n-1)d(n1)d orbitals.

  1. The variety of colored complexes is due to the various oxidation states possible; a different oxidation state on the central metal atom alters the metal-ligand dd-orbital splitting energy, which gives rise to varied emission wavelengths.
  2. Oxidation states vary due to the general ease of incorporating the bb((n-1)d) electrons into bonding.

And the general ease of incorporating the (n-1)d electrons into bonding is mainly due to the closeness of the energy levels of the bb(ns) and bb((n-1)d) orbitals.

(You can see it's all connected.)

To illustrate this, I took orbital potential energy data from here (Appendix B.9) to graph the orbital potential energies for the (n-1)d and ns orbitals for the first, second, and third row transition metals.

For the most part, the difference in energies are within "3 eV" or so, which allows the d orbitals to act as valence orbitals in addition to the s orbitals.