Questions asked by Alan P.
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Is there (or should there be) some way to ask for clarification of a question?
I seem to be seeing more examples like the following:
What is the rule in dividing positive and negative rational numbers?
Abuse or spam
but following the link only leads to a reasonable question and a reasonable response.
Am I missing something?
How far back in time should we be answering questions? Isn't it likely that after 4 or 5 months the person asking the question has gone on to other things?
It's noon-ish, 9th of April (here) and I've started to have difficulty navigating about within Socratic. Is anyone else having trouble? The control linkage seems to have changed.
Now I can't post a comment. The comment box has been reduced to a single (scrollable) line but the "post comment" button is missing. How do I make this a question, so I can post this observation?
Why does this question show as having 0 answers in the feed, but when I click the question, it's been answered?
What is there in the derivation of the Taylor/Maclaurin series for sin(x) that determines if the series assumes x is radians or degrees?
I was trying to use the underbrace function; I'm sure that I've seen it used here but can't find an example. Does anybody know the form of this command? The actual brace itself shows up fine but I want descriptive text aligned under the brace.
Anyone else experiencing seemingly login-in issues. I clicked to save an answer and after quite a while got a response that I needed to be logged in to do this action. I tried to login but got a Socratic response that the page couldn't be found?
There seems to be a problem (aren't there always?) in that in at least one case [Question: Why is absolute zero important?] the questions page shows 1 answer but if you go to the answer it shows 0 answers. Was the answer deleted and the count not updated?
What are @mentions and how do they work?
What is the history of FOIL? and why does it seem to be emphasized over more general methods of multiplication (like use of the distributive property or tabular multiplication)?
With the new **Answer** and **Explanation** split the presentation of how things look **sometimes** appears below the text entry boxes (which is quite awkward). This may be an issue with my laptop or my browser. Is anyone else experiencing this?
When attempting to respond to someone by using the @ message, is there some way to identify that person's @ message ID? For example, I wanted to respond to a comment by "Peter M"; when I typed "@peter..." I got a drop down list but no matching picture.
What is the vertex of y=−x2+4x+12? (This replaces the same question that I accidentally deleted before my first cup of coffee).
Trivial curiosity questions: [1] What day is it? (Does the Socratic date change based on the change at the international date line? It often seems to be one date later on Socratic than it is where I live.).
Trivial question [2]: When does a week run (e.g. for Top karma of the week)? This question was suggested by wondering how Stefan had 1500+ karma for the week and George as the next closest only had 200.
Is anyone else uneasy about someone posting questions and then answering them in an apparent attempt to publicize his own research e.g. ?
Is it possible to clear the "abuse or spam" flag after the offending answer was deleted?
I create a lot of tables using matrix definition tools. Does anybody have a method of "bolding" titles within a matrix (or a better way to handle tables)?
Here's an example:
Lately whenever I click on "Like" on a comment I get the answer re-displayed under the comment. Is this a bug or is there some reason for this that I`m missing?
This morning every time I try to add a graph my browser hangs (both IE and Firefox). Is anyone else having this problem?
Is there a way to flag a question so it is easy to find later when it has been answered?
This morning every time I click on a question it opens a new tab (I'm using Firefox). Is this happening with other browsers?
Just in case it isn't my computer: Is anyone else having trouble posting answers? When I click on "Post Answer" nothing seems to happen.
Does 3 underscore characters (in normal text) convert everything between it and the next set of 3 underscores to bold?
Can synthetic division be used for non-monic and/or non-linear divisors?
Perhaps I haven't had enough coffee... is there a bug in the graph app relative to (for example) x3x+1? I don't see why there should be that parabolic looking bit in Q II.
Is it a problem with my browser or is there a general problem viewing "Featured Answers"? Specifically how do I see the complete answer?
Maybe I just need somebody to slap me silly but I don't seem to be alone here. Could there perhaps be a more obvious "Post this question somewhere other than History" indicator?
(Thank you)
If I know the population mean but want to determine the standard deviation for a trail of several events; should I be dividing by the number of events or the number of events minus 1?
Is there a way to determine if a question has been modified?
I'm seeing at least one question posted under my name which I did not ask; earlier this morning I saw a question supposedly by someone at a level below what I would expect for this person. Is there a problem? Is someone hacking this site?
Is there a way to embed a double quotation mark inside a string?
How do I log in?
Any thoughts on what is happening here?
Is there a way to edit a featured answer?
Is there any way to view a formatted comment prior to posting it? It is possible to copy, delete, paste, and try to fix the formatting if it goes wrong, but "fixing the formatting is not trivial.
What happened to this question?
I am correct that if an answer is flagged as needing to be checked, then a different answer is added, followed by the deletion of the original (questioned) answer, the flag remains on the question; it does not disappear with the (deleted) answer?
Is there some way to use two (or more) underbraced expressions on the same line?
Is there a better way to handle questions that remain incomplete than supplying arbitrary information to be able to clear them from the history?
Are Question area tags handled differently in some way?
How can I request deletion of an old question that appears to be unanswerable?
I think this has been answered before but I can not seem to find it. How to I get to an answer in its "non-featured" form? There have been comments posted on one of my answers but (maybe its lack of coffee but...) I can only see the featured version.
Could we have the ability to add a comment to a question edit?
How do I make a hashtag character appear as a hashtag character in a Comment (or anywhere else I assume)?
Is there a way to display an image in a comment?
Is there some appropriate action when you notice that someone has "updated" an answer by completely replacing it?
What is the status of the Socratic app?
Minor point, but any thoughts on why the following inconsistency?