How do you find an expression for sin(x)sin(x) in terms of e^(ix)eix and e^(ix)eix?

3 Answers
Jun 4, 2018

sinx = (e^(ix) - e^(-ix))/(2i)sinx=eixeix2i


Start from the MacLaurin series of the exponential function:

e^x = sum_(n=0)^oo x^n/(n!)ex=n=0xnn!


e^(ix) = sum_(n=0)^oo (ix)^n/(n!) = sum_(n=0)^oo i^nx^n/(n!) eix=n=0(ix)nn!=n=0inxnn!

Separate now the terms for nn even and nn odd, and let n=2kn=2k in the first case, n= 2k+1n=2k+1 in the second:

e^(ix) = sum_(k=0)^oo i^(2k) x^(2k)/((2k)!) + sum_(k=0)^oo i^(2k+1)x^(2k+1)/((2k+1)!) eix=k=0i2kx2k(2k)!+k=0i2k+1x2k+1(2k+1)!

Note now that:

i^(2k) = (i^2)^k = (-1)^ki2k=(i2)k=(1)k

i^(2k+1) = i*i^(2k) = i*(-1)^ki2k+1=ii2k=i(1)k


e^(ix) = sum_(k=0)^oo (-1)^k x^(2k)/((2k)!) + isum_(k=0)^oo (-1)^k x^(2k+1)/((2k+1)!) eix=k=0(1)kx2k(2k)!+ik=0(1)kx2k+1(2k+1)!

and we can recognize the MacLaurin expansions of cosxcosx and sinxsinx:

e^(ix) = cosx +i sinxeix=cosx+isinx

which is Euler's formula.

Considering that cosxcosx is an even function and sinxsinx and odd function then we have:

e^(-ix) = cos(-x) + i sin(-x) = cosx-i sinxeix=cos(x)+isin(x)=cosxisinx


e^(ix) - e^(-ix) = 2i sinxeixeix=2isinx

and finally:

sinx = (e^(ix) - e^(-ix))/(2i)sinx=eixeix2i

Jun 4, 2018

Other approach to problem. See below


We know that e^(ix)=cosx+isinxeix=cosx+isinx (Euler)

Similarly, e^(-ix)=cos(-x)+isin(-x)eix=cos(x)+isin(x)

But we know that cos(-x)=cosxcos(x)=cosx and sin(-x)=-sinxsin(x)=sinx

Then we have


Adding both identities

e^(ix)+e^(-ix)=2cosxeix+eix=2cosx and finally cosx=(e^(ix)+e^(-ix))/2cosx=eix+eix2

Subtarcting both, we have

e^(ix)-e^(-ix)=2isinxeixeix=2isinx and then sinx=(e^(ix)-e^(-ix))/(2i)sinx=eixeix2i

Jun 4, 2018

Compare the Maclaurin series of sinxsinx and e^xex and construct the relation from that:


I assume the final formula in the question should read e^(-ix)eix?

Compare the Maclaurin series of sinxsinx and e^xex and construct the relation from that. We'll take as given the series for these functions. Deriving these is a pleasure in itself, one easily found elsewhere on the web, e.g.
Note that both of these series are convergent over the whole range of xx.


We can immediately see that the terms in the sine series are very similar to those in the exponential series - they're the same size where they exist, but often have the opposite sign, and half of them are missing.

Recalling that the powers of i change in a periodic four-step pattern that has two successive plus signs and two successive minus signs, we wonder if changing x to ix in the exponential series might help our sign problem. We substitute:

which becomes

To remove every second term, we combine it with the series for e^(-ix):
which becomes (be careful combining minus signs and i^2s!)

When we take the difference of these series term by term, we get closer to what we want (NB taking the sum of them gives us a relation for cosx instead - give it a try). Note that the terms of even powers of x are identical in the two series, so their difference is 0.


which is just the series above for sinx multiplied by 2i. So we have our desired relation:


Compare at this point the hyperbolic functions, which you may have been introduced to already. In particular, note the definition of sinhx ("hyperbolic sine"; "sinh" is pronounced in one of several ways - "shine", "sinch", etc.):


The hyperbolic functions are a set of functions closely related to the trig functions via these formulae. As you progress with differential equations, you'll encounter situations where a simple change of sign to a coefficient makes the difference between finding trig function and hyperbolic function solutions. The relation between the two sets of functions is an important one.