
Key Questions

  • Metalloids are unique because they have properties of both metals and non-metals.

    For example, boron acts as a nonmetal when it reacts with sodium, but it acts as a metal when it reacts with fluorine.

    Silicon has a metallic lustre, but it is a poor conductor and is brittle

    Most metals have a characteristic lustre and are good conductors of heat and electricity.

    Most metalloids have a metallic lustre but are poor conductors of heat and electricity.

    Most nonmetals have a dull appearance and are poor conductors of heat and electricity.

  • The common classification for Metalloids are, possess some characteristics of metals and some of non-metals, semi-conductive, and are metallic lustre.

    There are only seven classified elements:

    • Boron
    • Silicon
    • Germanium
    • Arsenic
    • Antimony
    • Tellurium
    • Polonium

    The best way of determining if an unknown element is a Metalloid is by checking if any characteristics of metals and non-metals can be found, if both are then you most likely have a Metalloid element.

    If you want to go into more detail. please message me on YouTube at If get enough desire to understand this concept I will make a video on the subject matter.

  • Not sure what your question is - what type of information do you want to learn about the metalloids?

    The metalloids include the following elements: B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, and Po.

    I'd suggest visiting the website:

    It has lots of information about these elements!
