Constructing a Line Tangent to a Circle Geometry Geometric Constructions Constructing a Line Tangent to a Circle Questions Question #6cb9f If two circles intersect at n points, then which of the following is true ? a) n^2<=9, b) n^3<=17, c) 2n + 3 <=4, d) n - 3 = 1 The tangent and the normal to the conic x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1 at a point (acostheta, bsintheta) meet the major axis in the points P and P', where PP'=a Show that e^2cos^2theta + costheta -1 = 0, where e is the eccentricity of the conic? Find the equation of normal and tangent to the circle x^2+y^2=4 at the point (2cos45^@,2sin45^@)? How do we find equation of tangent and normal to a circle at a given point? Geometric Constructions View all chapters Constructing Bisectors of Lines and Angles Constructing Regular Polygons Inscribed in Circles Constructing Circumcircles and Incircles Constructing a Line Tangent to a Circle Prev