Question #f3d47

1 Answer

60W lamp is brighter.


Suposing both lamps are designed to operate with the same voltage, as 220V:

The resistance of the 60W lamp is:

R = v^2/PR=v2P = 220^2/60220260 = 806,67 Ohms

The resistance of the 250W lamp is:

R = 220^2/250R=2202250 = 193,6 Ohms

If we connect both in series at a 220V mains, the current will be:

I = 220/(806,67 +193,6)220806,67+193,6 = 0,22 A

As far as Power = R*I^2RI2,

The power dissipated by the 60W lamp is:

P(60) = 806,67*0,22^2806,670,222 = 39W

And the power dissipated by the 250W lamp is:

P(250) = 193,6*0,22^2193,60,222 = 9,37W

So, the 60W lamp will be brighter.