What is the geometry and hybridization of "PF"_6^(-)PF6? What orbitals are used to hybridize?

1 Answer
Jun 1, 2016

In general, the typical pattern for basic/simple molecules is:

  • Diatomic molecule => No hybridization at all! (EX: "HCl"HCl)
  • 2 electron groups => spsp hybridization (EX: "CO"_2CO2)
  • 3 electron groups => sp^2sp2 hybridization (EX: "BF"_3BF3)
  • 4 electron groups => sp^3sp3 hybridization (EX: "CH"_4CH4)
  • 5 electron groups => sp^3dsp3d hybridization (EX: "PF"_5PF5)
  • 6 electron groups => sp^3d^2sp3d2 hybridization (EX: "SF"_6SF6)

You can count these up and see that the number of orbitals used in the hybridization equal the number of electron groups around the central atom.


Since phosphorus ("P"P, atomic number 1515) is on the third period of the periodic table, it has access to orbitals of principal quantum number n = \mathbf(3)n=3.

That means it can use its 3d3d orbitals in addition to its typical 3s3s and 3p3p valence orbitals.

This generates an octahedral molecular and electron geometry. You can see the final shape of this at the bottom.


Orbital hybridization in "PF"_6^(-)PF6 requires that all six "P"-"F"PF bonds are identical; not necessarily in bond angle, per se, but in the orbitals used to construct the bond.

(The ideal bond angles are a separate phenomenon based on electron repulsions.)

For example, an overlap between two 2p_z2pz orbitals is not the same as the overlap between a 2p_z2pz and a 3d_(z^2)3dz2 orbital, even though they are both possible. They are both head-on (sigma/sigmaσ) overlaps, but they are not the same bonds.

The problem is that they should be the same bonds for a molecule making six identical "P"-"F"PF bonds. Otherwise, the bond lengths will not all be the same, when they should be.


To make the bonds more uniform, hybridization must occur between the 3s3s, 3p3p, and 3d3d orbitals of phosphorus to generate sp^3d^2sp3d2 orbitals.

Then, what you will have is six sets of stackrel("P")overbrace(sp^3d^2)-stackrel("F")overbrace(p_y) orbital overlaps. These overlaps generate the "P"-"F" bonds.


You can see the adjacent bond angles are all 90^@ in an ideal octahedral geometry, because that is the largest angle that the atoms can be separated while still making six identical "P"-"F" bonds.