Question #f85fc

1 Answer
Dec 8, 2016

Q(62" hours") = 15.45 "g of "^42K


Using the formula:

Q(t) = Q(0)e^(alphat)

Using this reference half-life of ""^42K, set t = 12.36" hours" and make (Q(t))/(Q(0)) = 1/2:

1/2 = e^(alpha(12.36" hours"))

Use the natural logarithm on both sides:

ln(1/2) = ln(e^(alpha(12.36" hours")))

Flip the equation and ln(e) redues to the exponent:

alpha(12.36" hours") = ln(1/2)

alpha(12.36" hours") = -ln(2)

alpha = -ln(2)/(12.36" hours"

Q(62" hours") = (500 "g of "^42K)e^((-ln(2)/(12.36" hours")(62" hours"))

Q(62" hours") = 15.45 "g of "^42K