Question #96eae Chemistry Bohr Model of the Atom Calculations with wavelength and frequency 1 Answer anor277 Sep 3, 2017 Well, we know that #c=nuxxlambda#.......... Explanation: And so #lambda("wavelength")=c/nu#...and so we put the numbers into this quotient..... #lambda=(3.00xx10^8*m*s^-1)/(3.64xx10^7*s^-1)# (Note #"Hz"-="frequency"# and has units of #s^-1#) And so we get.....#lambda=8.24*m#....i.e. we are in the radiowave section. Answer link Related questions Question #f2711 Question #6b062 Question #6b066 What is the formula for frequency? How can I calculate wavelength of radio waves? How can I calculate wavelength in meters? How can I calculate wavelength of a photon? How can I calculate the wavelength from energy? How do you calculate the wavelength from speed? How do you calculate the frequency of a wave? See all questions in Calculations with wavelength and frequency Impact of this question 1825 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License