For the nonhomogeneous equation, using the method of undetermined coefficients, the solution I got for (d^2y)/(dx^2) - 5(dy)/(dx) + 6y = xe^x is y = (xe^x)/2 + (3e^x)/4, but along the way I got two solutions for A_1?

NOTE: As usual, I figured it out a few minutes after I posted this. Oh well! Leaving it up for other people to see, then. :)

I was letting y = x(A_1x + A_0)e^x, and I got (dy)/(dx) = [A_1x^2 + (2A_1 + A_0)x + A_0]e^x and (d^2y)/(dx^2) = [A_1x^2 + (4A_1 + A_0)x + 2A_1 + 2A_0]e^x. When I solved for A_0 and A_1 however, I got:

x^2 terms:

A_1 - 5A_1 + 6A_1 = 0 => A_1 = 0 is one solution to the quadratic (whoops, just realized this)

x terms:

4A_1 + A_0 - 10A_1 - 5A_0 + 6A_0 = 1, and if A_1 = 0, then:

A_0 = 1/2

Constant terms:

2A_1 + 2A_0 - 5A_0 = 0, and if A_1 ne 0, then A_1 = 3/2A_0 = 3/4. So the result is indeed y = (xe^x)/2 + (3e^x)/4.

2 Answers
Jan 8, 2017

(d^2y)/(dx^2) - 5(dy)/(dx) + 6y = xe^x is a linear non-homogeneous differential equation.

The solution y_p = (xe^x)/2 + (3e^x)/4 is a particular solution for the differential equation.

The complete solution can be composed as the addition of a particular solution plus the homogeneous solution. The homogeneous solution has the structure


as can be easily verified, so the complete solution is

y = y_h+y_p = C_1e^(2x)+C_2e^(3x)+ (xe^x)/2 + (3e^x)/4 without ambiguity in the C_1,C_2 determination.

Jan 8, 2017

I'll use A=A_0 and B=A_1 to save typing

The problem is you are trying the wrong solution you have
g(x)=(ax^2+b)e^x and you should be trying g(x)=(ax+b)e^x

So for the PI we have:

y=(Ax + B)e^x

y'=(Ax + B)(e^x) + (A)(e^x)
\ \ \ \=(Ax + B)e^x + Ae^x

y'' = (Ax + B)e^x + Ae^x+Ae^x
\ \ \ \ \ = (Ax + B)e^x + 2Ae^x

Subs into the DE and we get:


:. {(Ax + B)e^x + 2Ae^x} -5{(Ax + B)e^x + Ae^x}+6{(Ax + B)e^x}=xe^x

Compare coefficients of xe^x:


Compare coefficients of e^x:

2B-3A=0=>2B-3/2=0 =>B=+3/4

So the PI should be:

y=(1/2x +3/4)e^x

The following link gives the full solution