How do you find all the zeros of f(x) = 4x^3 – 5x^2 + 9x – 6?
1 Answer
Multiply by
f(x) = 4x^3-5x^2+9x-6
First multiply through by
0 = 432 f(x)
= 1728x^3-2160x^2+3888x-2592
t^3+249t-1222 = 0
Using Cardano's method, let
u^3+v^3+(3uv+249)(u+v)-1222 = 0
Add the constraint
u^3-249^3/(27u^3)-1222 = 0
Multiply through by
27(u^3)^2-32994(u^3)-15438249 = 0
Use the quadratic formula to find:
u^3 = (32994+-sqrt(2755934928))/54
=(32994+-972 sqrt(2917))/54
Due to the symmetry of the derivation in
t_1 = root(3)(611+18sqrt(2917)) + root(3)(611-18sqrt(2917))
and Complex roots:
t_2 = omega root(3)(611+18sqrt(2917)) + omega^2 root(3)(611-18sqrt(2917))
t_3 = omega^2 root(3)(611+18sqrt(2917)) + omega root(3)(611-18sqrt(2917))
Then you can derive the roots of the original equation:
x_1 = (t_1+5)/12=1/12(5+root(3)(611+18sqrt(2917)) + root(3)(611-18sqrt(2917)))
x_2 = 1/12(5+omega root(3)(611+18sqrt(2917)) + omega^2 root(3)(611-18sqrt(2917)))
x_3 = 1/12(5+omega^2 root(3)(611+18sqrt(2917)) + omega root(3)(611-18sqrt(2917)))