Key Questions
Graph the function on a graphing calculator to see what the x-coordinates are where the function intersects the x-axis.
The zeros of a function are found by determining what x-values will cause the y-value to be equal to zero. One way to find the zeros is to graph the function on a graphing calculator to see what the x-coordinates are where the function intersects the x-axis.
A zero of a function is an interception between the function itself and the X-axis.
The possibilities are:- no zero (e.g.
y=x^2+1y=x2+1 ) graph{x^2 +1 [-10, 10, -5, 5]} - one zero (e.g.
y=xy=x ) graph{x [-10, 10, -5, 5]} - two or more zeros (e.g.
y=x^2-1y=x2−1 ) graph{x^2-1 [-10, 10, -5, 5]} - infinite zeros (e.g.
y=sinxy=sinx ) graph{sinx [-10, 10, -5, 5]}
To find the eventual zeros of a function it is necessary to solve the equation system between the equation of the function and the equation of the X-axis (
y=0y=0 ). - no zero (e.g.
It depends...
Here are some cases...
Polynomial with coefficients with zero sum
If the sum of the coefficients of a polynomial is zero then
11 is a zero. If the sum of the coefficients with signs inverted on the terms of odd degree is zero then-1−1 is a zero.Any polynomial with rational roots
Any rational zeros of a polynomial with integer coefficients of the form
a_n x^n + a_(n-1) x^(n-1) +...+ a_0 are expressible in the formp/q wherep, q are integers,p a divisor ofa_0 andq a divisor ofa_n .Polynomials with degree <= 4
ax+b = 0 => x = -b/a ax^2+bx+c = 0 => x = (-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a) There are formulas for the general solution to a cubic, but depending on what form you want the solution in and whether the cubic has
1 or3 Real roots, you may find some methods preferable to others.In the case of one Real root and two Complex ones, my preferred method is Cardano's method. The symmetry of this method gives neater result formulations than Vieta's substitution.
In the case of three Real roots, it may be preferable to use the trigonometric substitution that squeezes a cubic into the identity
cos 3 theta = 4 cos^3 theta - 3 cos theta , thereby finding zeros in terms ofcos andarccos .There are general formulas for the solution of quartic equations, but it's generally easier to work with the individual cases.
In the worst cases, you can transform
ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e into a monic quartic by dividing bya , get into the formt^4+pt^2+qt+r using the substitutiont = x+b/(4a) , then look at factorisations of the form:t^4+pt^2+qt+r = (t^2+At+B)(t^2-At+C) multiplying out and equating coefficients to get 3 simultaneous equations in
A ,B andC . Then use(B+C)^2 = (C-B)^2+4BC to derive a cubic equation inA^2 . By now you hopefully know how to solve cubics, so you can findA , henceB andC , etc. -
The zeros of a function represent the x value(s) that result in the y value being 0.
The zeros of a function represent the x-intercept(s) when the function is graphed.
The zeros of a function represent the root(s) of a function.
The zeros of a function represent the solution(s) of a function.