End Behavior
Key Questions
The end behavior of a function is the behavior of the graph of the function
f(x) asx approaches positive infinity or negative infinity.Explanation:
The end behavior of a function is the behavior of the graph of the function
f(x) asx approaches positive infinity or negative infinity.This is determined by the degree and the leading coefficient of a polynomial function.
For example in case of
y=f(x)=1/x , asx->+-oo ,f(x)->0 .
graph{1/x [-10, 10, -5, 5]}
But ify=f(x)=(3x^2+5)/((x+2)(x+7)) asx->+-oo ,y->3
graph{(3x^2+5)/((x+2)(x+7)) [-165.7, 154.3, -6, 12]}