How do you find the half life of uranium-235? I tried to do 235 / 2 = 117.5 but that is wrong please help

half life is when you half/divide a number by 2 does this necessary mean that you divide or do you have to work out something else before dividing?

1 Answer
Mar 23, 2017

Please see the explanation.


To find the half-life of any radioactive substance, you need to start with an initial mass of the substance, Q(0)Q(0), then, after a time interval ,t, you carefully measure the mass of the substance, Q(t)

The decay of radio active substances follow this equation:

Q(t) = Q(0)e^(lambdat)Q(t)=Q(0)eλt

Both Q(0) and Q(t)Q(0)andQ(t) are in the same units of mass so this means that the exponential us unit-less (as it should be)

Let's solve for lambdaλ.

(Q(t))/(Q(0))= e^(lambdat)Q(t)Q(0)=eλt

ln((Q(t))/(Q(0)))= lambdatln(Q(t)Q(0))=λt

lambda = ln((Q(t))/(Q(0)))/tλ=ln(Q(t)Q(0))t

Please notice that lambdaλ must be in "time units"^-1time units1, because t is in time units.

Now suppose that you are given a value for lambdaλ and you want to know the time, t_"half-life"thalf-life. (Which is defined as the time that it takes for half of the original quantity to decay.)

(Q(t_"half-life"))/(Q(0))= e^(lambdat_"half-life")Q(thalf-life)Q(0)=eλthalf-life

We know that the left side is 1/212

1/2= e^(lambdat_"half-life")12=eλthalf-life

ln(1/2) = lambdat_"half-life"ln(12)=λthalf-life

-ln(2) = lambdat_"half-life"ln(2)=λthalf-life

t_"half-life"= -ln(2)/lambdathalf-life=ln(2)λ

Suppose that you are given the half-life and you need to find lambdaλ

lambda = -ln(2)/t_"half-life"λ=ln(2)thalf-life

The half-life for U_235U235 is 7.04xx10^8" years"7.04×108 years

For U_235U235, lambda = -9.84xx10^-10" years"^-1λ=9.84×1010 years1