How do you solve [log_4(x+3)] + [log_4(2-x)] = 1?
1 Answer
Now toy need to know some basic rules to attempt this;
log_a b = x
=>a^x = b
Now we are good to go
Now lets Identify our common base
Using rule number 2 Lets combine
Now lets go back to our first result
Take a look
Our base here is 4 and our b is
So lets wrap it up;
Lets now distribute and multiply;
=>-x^2 - x + 2 = 0
Now lets try factoring
So the only possibility to factor is splitting the middle term in pars of
1 and -2
=> There are 2 roots;
x = 1
Which is right ; So it is a valid solution
x =- 2
Which is right ; So it is a valid solution