How do you solve using gaussian elimination or gauss-jordan elimination, 10x-20y=-14, x +y = 1?

1 Answer

x=1/5 and y=4/5


From the given , take note of the numerical coefficients of x and y and the constants.

the given


Arrange in rows. So that first row for the first equation, second row for the second. First column for the coefficients of x, second column for the coefficients of y aand third column for the constants.


10 \ \ -20 \ \ ] \ \ -14
01 \ \ +01 \ \ ] \ \ +01

01 \ \ -02 \ \ ]\ -7/5 ........this is after dividing row 1 by 10
01 \ \ +01 \ \ ] \ \ +01

01 \ \ -02 \ \ ]\ -7/5
\ \ 0 \ \ +03 \ \ ] \ +12/5 .........this is after changing the sign of
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ previous row 1 and adding result to row 2

01 \ \ -02 \ \ ]\ -7/5
\ \ 0 \ \ +01 \ \ ]\ +4/5 .......this is after dividing previous row 2 by 3
\ 01 \ \ +0 \ \ ]\ +1/5........this is after multiplying previous row 2
\ \ 0 \ \ +01 \ \ ]\ +4/5 \ \ \ \ by 2 then adding result to row 1.

Take note of the coefficients at this point

The result x=1/5
and also y=4/5

Have a nice day !!! from the Philippines.