How does dilation affect the length of line segments?

1 Answer
Feb 29, 2016

Dilation of segment ABAB is a segment A'B', where A' is an image of point A and B' is an image of point B.
The length is transformed as |A'B'| = f*|AB|, where f is a factor of dilation


Dilation or scaling is the transformation of the two-dimensional plane or three-dimensional space according to the following rules:

(a) There is a fixed point O on a plane or in space that is called the center of scaling.

(b) There is a real number f!=0 that is called the factor of scaling.

(c) The transformation of any point P into its image P' is done by shifting its position along the line OP in such a way that the length of OP' equals to the length of OP multiplied by a factor |f|, that is |OP'| = |f|*|OP|. Since there are two candidates for point P' on both sides from center of scaling O, the position is chosen as follows: for f>0 both P and P' are supposed to be on the same side from center O, otherwise, if f<0, they are supposed to be on opposite sides of center O.

It can be proven that the image of a straight line l is a straight line l'.
Segment AB is transformed into a segment A'B', where A' is an image of point A and B' is an image of point B.
Dilation preserves parallelism among lines and angles between them.
The length of any segment AB changes according to the same rule above: |A'B'| = f*|AB|.

The above properties and other important details about transformation of scaling can be found on Unizor