How does obliquity affect the climate?

1 Answer
Aug 10, 2016

Its effect on climate is measurable as incremental, for one half year, and decremental, for the other half.


At a place of latitude theta^oθo N/S, the angle of incidence of solar

rays has the annual range theta +- ( obliquity ) 23.4^oθ±(obliquity)23.4o

If the change in the range is incremental in northern latitudes, it is

decremental in southern latitudes, and vice versa..

At a Solstice ( by about December 21 or June 23 )), the angle is

either the maximum theta + 23.4^oθ+23.4o or the minimum theta-23.4^o θ23.4o..

The mean value latitudelatitude is attained at an equinox ( by about

March 21 or September 23 )..

This gradation, in every day radiation, affects climate at a place.

The absolute value for this rate of change ( +-± ) is

(4 X 23.4)/365.254X23.4365.25

= a quarter degree/day, nearly..
