The Planets Astronomy Our Solar System The Planets Questions What effect does Earth’s gravitational force have on objects of different masses? What solar system is Pluto in? Which planet in our solar system is most earth like? What is the closest planet to the sun? Why are the planets closest to the sun rocky? Why is earth closest to the sun in January? Why is Mars closest to the Earth in August? What is accretion, and how did it form the Earth? How does accretion explain planet formation? How does accretion form planets? What are the three principle sources of internal heat of terrestrial planets? What features of an alien planet would you look for in order to determine if the planet experiences plate tectonics? How is the structure of earth similar to other planets in the solar system? What allowed for the earth to have layers during its formation? What is seismic velocity? What are seismic waves? How do seismic waves reveal the structure of Earth's interior? How do scientists use seismic waves to map the earth's interior? What can happen to seismic waves as they travel through earth? What is the name of the ninth planet in our solar system? What is the densest planet in our solar system? How far is Jupiter from the sun? How far away is Jupiter's moon Europa from the sun? How far is Jupiter from the Earth and the Sun? How far is Jupiter from the Earth? In terms of light years, how far is Jupiter away from the sun? How far are each of Jupiter's moons away from Jupiter? How far is Jupiter from the sun in feet? How many light minutes away from the sun is Jupiter's moon Io? How many astronomical units (AUs) is Io from the Earth and Sun? What is the distance between Saturn and Jupiter in light years? How far away is Saturn from the sun? How far away is Jupiter? How far away are the planets from the sun? What is the distance between the sun and Neptune? What is the formula used to calculate this distance? What is the distance between Uranus and Saturn? How many AUs are between the sun and planets? How far away is Venus from the sun in miles? How far away are all the planets from the sun in kilometers? What is the orbital period of each of the planets? How is the orbital period found? What is the distance between the asteroid belt and the sun in kilometers? In miles? What is the distance between Jupiter and Mars? How was the earth created? How do scientists think the earth was made? According to scientists, what was the early earth composed of? How do scientists believe the Earth was created? Why is this controversial to some groups? How old is the earth according to scientists? How old is earth compared to the other planets in the solar system? Why do scientists say that the creation story is made up? What are 5 scientific theories about how the world was formed? How long ago was the world created? When the earth was made, how was water was formed? How were the earth and moon made from a geological standpoint? If the world was created billions of years ago, why are we only in the year 2015? How long after Earth formed did the Moon form? Why does the earth spin? Why does the earth rotate? Does the Earth rotate since the materials it was made of were spinning? Does the speed of earth's rotation ever vary? Why do some planets spin and while others don't? In which direction does the earth spin and why? At what angle is the earth's axis? Why doesn't earth's moon spin on its axis? How fast does the earth rotate? Why does the earth spin at an angle? Why does the earth orbit the sun rather than be pulled into it? Why does the earth spin as it orbits the sun, but the moon doesn't while it orbits the earth? What causes the Earth to rotate on its axis? Why is the axis tilted? Why doesn't the earth stop rotating? What causes the earth to rotate? How does the earth's rotation differ from other planets in the solar system? Does the earth spin clockwise or counterclockwise? How and why does the earth spin? How does the earth rotation affect day and night? How does the earth's rotation affect its shape? How does the earth's rotation affect wind? How does the earth's rotation differ from its revolution? How does the earth spin in space? How does the earth spinning affect gravity? How does the earth spinning create gravity? Does the earth's rotation affect climate? How does the earth's rotation affect us? What is the axial tilt of the Earth? What is keeping the Earth's degree of tilt in its orbit around the Sun and why doesn't the Earth wobble? When was the last time the Earth's degree of tilt changed? What is the current tilt of the Earth's axis? What caused the earth's axis to tilt? Did this cause a change in the amount of days it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun? Why is the earth tilted? How does this tilt effect our seasons? What causes the earth to tilt back and forth to give us the seasons? Why does the tilt of the earth affect the amount of light and therefore the seasons? How are the seasons affected by the tilt of the equator? If the tilt of the earth on its axis were 40 degrees instead of 23.5 degrees, at what latitude would the Suns rays be perpendicular to the northern hemisphere's summer solstice (June 21st)? What is the angle of tilt of the earth with the vertical axis? What does the tilt of the earth have to do with why the earth revolves around the sun? How does the Earth's tilt and movement cause the seasons? What caused the 23.5 degrees tilt of earth's axis? How does the axis tilt angle affect the weather on earth? What does it mean if the earth's axial tilt is decreasing? How will this decrease affect weather, seasons, etc. on earth? How does the tilt of the earth compare to other planets in our solar system? How is the tilt of the earth determined mathematically? What caused the earth to tilt? How do you measure the tilt of the earth? How does the tilt of the earth affect our lives? How does the tilt of the earth affect sunlight? How does the tilt of the earth affect temperature? How does the tilt of the earth affect weather? Does the tilt of the earth change? How often does the tilt of earth's axis change? How is the tilt of earth's axis calculated? What keeps the tilt of the earth's axis from changing drastically? What phenomenons on earth are caused by the tilt of the earth's axis? What would happen if the tilt of the earth was 0 degrees? What is the tilt of the earth called? Why does the tilt of the earth change? What would happen to our seasons if Earth's axis was not tilted? If you hover in a fixed spot of air without moving, would the Earth move beneath or would you stay above the same spot of land? What is the speed of earth's rotation? Can the Earth's rotation reverse, like its magnetic polarity? Is there anything that could cause the earth's rotation to reverse? If a plane flies in the opposite direction of the earth's rotation, does this reduce the time for which the plane has to take to get to the destination? What would happen if the earth's rotation reversed? How does a pendulum demonstrate that the earth rotates? What causes the earth's rotation? How does the rotation of the Earth cause day and night? What are differences and similarities between the sun, earth, and moon? What enables us to see different stars and constellation during different seasons? Is the rotation of the earth getting slower? What is the difference between the earth's rotation and revolution? Is it possible to generate electricity through the earth's rotation? How do you calculate the frequency of the rotation of the Earth? How does rotation of the earth differ from that of Mars? What is diurnal rotation of the earth? How do rotation and revolution affect the earth? How is the earth's rotation different from Venus'? What is the difference between the rotation of the earth and that of the moon? How do rotation and revolution impact the climate of the earth? How does the change in tides relate to the rotation of the earth? How fast is the rotation of the earth? What would cause the rotation of the earth to stop? What does the rotation of the earth affect? How far does Earth travel in one year as it makes one complete orbit? What is the circumference of the earth? How is the circumference of the earth calculated? How can altitudes be used to calculate the circumference of the earth? What is the circumference of Saturn? How is it calculated? What is the circumference of the earth? What is the arc length formula and how would it be used to find the radius of the earth? How far is Saturn from Earth? What is Uranus's distance from Saturn? How many astronomical units is Saturn from the sun? How far away is Jupiter from Saturn? What number is the planet Saturn from the sun? How far is it between Saturn and Uranus in kilometres? How far is pluto from the Sun and other planets? How far is Uranus from the sun? What is the closest planet to Saturn? How much stronger is the gravitational pull of Saturn from the sun? What is the distance of Chiron from the Sun? How long does it take for light (in minutes) to reach Saturn from the Sun, at a distance of 1.532 × 109 km? What is Saturn's closest neighbor? What is the 6th planet from the sun? What is the average distance between each planet in the solar system? If Earth was 10 times farther away from the sun than it is now, which planet would it be closest to? How long does it take Saturn to orbit the sun? How far is Saturn from the sun in light minutes? How long does it take light from the sun to reach Saturn? How far is saturn from the sun in scientific notation? What is the distance between the earth and Mars? What is the distance between Mars and the sun? What is the distance between Pluto and the sun in kilometers? What is the distance between Mars's moon, Phobos, and the earth? How long (in seconds) does it take for a radio wave of frequency 8.94 × 106 s–1 to reach Mars when Mars is 8.2 × 107 km from Earth? Is Mars moving closer or farther away from the sun? If it is moving closer, is it possible that life could spontaneously develop? If Proxima Centauri is 4.3 light-years from the sun, how far away is Proxima Centauri from the sun in kilometers? What is the distance between Jupiter and the sun in AU? How big would the sun appear from Mars in comparison to how we see it on Earth? What is the distance between Mars and the sun in miles? Which is bigger in size? Earth or Mars? How much bigger is Mars than Earth? Is Venus bigger than the Earth? Which planets are bigger than Earth? Does Earth have a smaller orbit than Mars or Venus? Why are the volcanoes on Mars bigger than those on Earth? Why does Mars have a thinner atmosphere and cooler temperature than Earth? How does centripetal acceleration of Mars around the sun compare to the centripetal acceleration of the Earth? How many times bigger is the Earth than the Moon? How much larger is Saturn compared to Earth? How is this calculated? How much bigger is earth than Venus? What is Saturn's largest moon? When Mars is at its closest proximity to Earth does it affect our tides? Is Saturn bigger or smaller than Uranus? Which is bigger: Mars, the moon, or Mercury? Is Mars bigger than Earth? How do we know? How big is the moon Titan compared to the Earth? How is the gravity different between these two planetary bodies? How much bigger is the diameter of Jupiter compared to the Earth's? How many times bigger is the sun compared to Earth? How is obliquity explained? What is obliquity of the ecliptic? How does obliquity affect the climate? How does obliquity change over time? How do you calculate obliquity of ecliptic? How do you find a planet's obliquity? What is obliquity angle? What is an obliquity cycle? What is obliquity factor? What is obliquity in astronomy? What is obliquity of earth? What is obliquity ratio? Why does obliquity change? Currently, the rotation angle of the earth is 23.5 degree, if it rotates to 0 degree what will happen? What is the difference between the precession of earth's orbit and the obliquity of earth's orbit? Is there any evidence that Jupiter has had any effect on our polar axis? Due to the earth's obliquity and aphelion shouldn't southern hemisphere be experiencing a colder winter? What is the Milankovitch Theory? What is nutation in astronomy? What would happen if the Earth's axial tilt was changed to 90 degrees? How does the wobble of the earth's axis affect day length? Do any other planets have a 23 degree tilt like earth? What is the axial tilt of the Earth? How was it discovered? Can Milankovitch cycles explain global warming trends? Does the precession of Earth's axis affect our climate? Why is the Earth's axis at a certain angle? What would happen if it was 1 or 2 degrees off? Is the angle of the axis that the earth rotates on created by or affected by the sun? How would the tilt of the earth be affected if the moon was not present? What is the position of earth during winter months and summer months? What are some of the similarities and differences between the inner planets and outer planets? How are seismic waves used to determine the structure of the earth? What are the layers of the earth? What are the depths of the layers of the earth? What created the different layers of the earth? How do the layers of the earth compare to the moon? Does the moon have layers too? How do scientists know the inside of the earth is made of layers? Do any other planets have layers like the earth does? How do scientists determine this? What are the layers of the earth made of? How do scientists determine when one layer of the earth begins and ends? What are the four layers of the crust? How hot is each layer of the earth? What are the similarities and differences between the earth's core and the sun's core? How do the layers of the earth work? Why is the Earth layered and how is each layer different? What is the earth's thinnest layer? Which layers of the earth are solid and which are liquid? How does earth's layers differ from other planets? How did the young earth separate into layers? How can the absolute age of earth layers be determined? How old was the earth when the layers formed? How did the earth come into being? Aside from earth, how many other planets in the solar system have layers? How do scientists know how the earth's layers formed? How do scientists know the structure of other planets in the solar system? Why is it important to understand the structure of other planets? Does the distance from the Sun cause Earth's seasons? How many feet does the earth move along its orbit in a minute? What is the age of earth? How long after the big bang was the earth formed? How old is the earth compared to the other planets in our solar system? How old is the earth? What scientific information supports this age? How is the age of the Earth estimated? What is the age of the earth and sun? Why are the rocks on the moon older than those on earth? How do scientists estimate the age of the earth? Is there absolute indisputable scientific evidence of Earth's age? Why is the age of the earth such a controversial topic? Why is there a difference in the age of the earth between science and the Bible? How does the age of earth differ from other planets? How have geologists determined the age of earth? How does the age of earth support the theory of evolution? How can the age of the earth be measured? How do scientists date the age of the earth? What is the age of earth according to scientific evidence? What is the age of earth and the solar system? Does Uranus ever tilt enough so that its north pole is actually on the northern side of its orbital plane, so that it is sometimes retrograde, and other times not? Do gas giants wobble, or it that just reserved to terrestrial planets? What is Earth's diameter size in Astronomical Units? What is the best unit for Earth? Also, what is Earth's size in light-year? How many earths could fit inside Jupiter? How was water created on earth? How do you determine how many Hydrogen atoms there are that make up earth? How were the continents of the earth formed? How long ago was the earth formed? How many degrees is the earth pitched on its axis? Is global warming a natural cycle of the earth's revolution? What is the total circumference of each of the planets in our solar system? How old are all the planets? What are all the planets surface temperature in degrees Fahrenheit? Are there any other planets that would show phases like Venus does? How do the other planets in the solar system affect Earth? What is the biggest and smallest planet? What are the four Jovian planets and what are their characteristics? Why does Jupiter rotate so fast? What causes the seasons on Mars? What causes the seasonal change in size of the Martian polar caps? During what season would the largest amount of dry ice be present at the polar cap? Mars is twice as far from the sun as is Venus. A Martian year is about three times as long as a Venusian year. Which of these two planets has the greater rotational speed in its orbit? Which planet has the greater linear speed? Mars is about 1.5 times as far from the sun as the earth and its mass is about 0.1 times the earth's mass. Relative to the gravitational force the sun exerts on the earth, what is the force it exerts on Mars? How far is Mars from the sun in astronomical units? If a planet were discovered between mars and earth, what would its characteristics possibly be? What is the scientific notation of the distance of each planet to the sun? What would the characteristics of a planet be if it were discovered between jupiter and saturn? Do other planets experience plate tectonics? Which are the rock planets and which are the gas planets? Do other planets have water? What is the closest planet in our solar system with an earth-like composition? How does earth's formation differ from that of Mars? Is Jupiter a failed sun? What is the smallest planet in our solar system? What is the fourth planet from the sun? What is the order of the planets in terms of age from youngest to oldest? How does the distance a planet is from the sun affect its period? What is the angular size of Venus? What is the brightest planet as viewed from Earth's surface? What planet has a similar size as Earth? What planet is so light it could float in water? How does the size of earth compare to the other planets in the solar system? How do scientists measure the size of other planets in the solar system? What is the size of earth and Mars? What is the size of earth compared to Jupiter? What is the size of earth compared to Saturn? Question #d73ff Do other planets experience the Coriolis Effect? Why are the northern and southern hemispheres of Mars so different? What is the biggest difference between Mars' northern and southern hemispheres? What causes Mars to be red? What evidence supports theories that water once flowed on Mars? Why were Martian volcanoes able to grow so large? Imagine that you will be visiting the Southern Hemisphere of Mars during its summer. What are some of the atmospheric conditions you might encounter? Which hemisphere surface is younger on Mars? If the southern hemisphere of Mars is more heavily cratered than the northern, which hemisphere surface is younger? Why? Do gas giants have southern and northern hemispheres? Why do we not have a good photo of Pluto when there are nice photos of other galaxies? Does earth's rotation differ from other planets in the solar system? What direction does Mars rotate? Does Jupiter rotate? Does Pluto rotate? What is the distance of pluto from earth? What is the distance from earth to pluto? How far away is pluto from earth? Does this distance vary? How far is pluto from earth in km? What is the distance between Pluto and the sun? What is the distance between pluto and earth? Do the planets ever align? How many light years are there from Earth to Pluto? What is the distance between Earth and Pluto in miles? What is the distance of pluto to earth in AU? What are the shortest and longest distance between earth and pluto? What is the distance from the earth to pluto? How is the distance between earth and pluto calculated? What is the distance from earth to the planet pluto in meters? Approximately how long does it take light to travel from Earth to Pluto? How long does it take light to reach pluto? How long will it take a message to travel from Pluto or the outer planets to Earth? What is the temperature on Pluto? What is the current distance between the sun and jupiter? How long is the distance from earth to pluto? What is the distance between earth and pluto in light years? What is pluto minimum distance from earth? What is pluto's distance from earth? What is the approximate distance from earth to pluto? What is the average distance from pluto to earth? Which planet is one tenth of a distance uranus is from the sun? Pluto's orbital semi-major axis is 39.48 times larger than that of Earth. According to Kepler's third law, how long is the period of its orbit around the Sun? How would the stellar parallaxes observed from Pluto compare with those observed from Earth? Does it take a longer, same, or shorter time to measure a parallactic shift from Pluto as compared to the Earth? Why? How much dimmer does the Sun appear from Pluto than from the Earth? If an astronaut dropped a small rock near the surface of Mars, how far would the rock fall in 1.35 s? What order would the planets appear in when listed by length of day from shortest to longest? What is the length of a year and day on Pluto? What is the axial tilt of Neptune? Why is the axial tilt of Venus 177° and not 3° (or Uranus 97° instead of 83°)? How is the climate system of Uranus affected by the axial tilt of the planet? What is the time period for Neptune to make one complete revolution? Which of the planets occasionally have their poles pointed almost directly at the Sun? Toward which distant star does Uranus's axis of revolution point? How does the magnetic tilt of Jupiter compare with our field? What is the axial tilt of uranus? How does the axial tilt of Mars compare with our own? What causes axial tilt? Do all planets have a magnetic field? How were the gas giants formed? How were the gas giants formed in comparison to the rocky planets? Do the gas giants have any solid components? What keeps the gas on gas giant planets from dispersing into space? How was Jupiter formed? Why does Saturn have rings? Do other planets aside from Saturn have rings? Have scientists witnessed the formation of other planets in galaxy? How was Saturn formed? How was Neptune formed? Why is Jupiter red in appearance? Why is the planet Mars red? What color is Venus? How was Mercury formed? Do other planets have climates? What does the surface of Venus look like? What does the surface of Mars look like? What was the first planet discovered? Which planet was it? How many moons does each of the planets have? How many Terrestrial planets have Iron Nickel cores? What causes the precession cycle or earth? Do other planets experience this type of a cycle? Do perihelion and aphelion effect seasons? How do aphelion and perihelion compare to one another? How are the perihelion and aphelion of a planet determined? How do astronmers find perihelion and aphelion distances? What do perihelion and aphelion mean in astronomy? What is Jupiter's perihelion and aphelion? What is Mars perihelion and aphelion? What is Mercury's perihelion and aphelion? What is Saturn's perihelion and aphelion? What is the perihelion and aphelion of Venus? What is Neptune's perihelion and aphelion? What is Pluto's perihelion and aphelion? Why is there perihelion and aphelion of a planet's orbit? What are the perihelion and aphelion speeds of Venus? What are the perihelion and aphelion distances of this planet? The orbit of Pluto is elongated with an eccentricity of 0.25. What is the approximate ratio of Pluto's orbital speed at perihelion to its orbital speed at aphelion? If you know that the period is 76 years and the semi major axis is 17.94 AU, how do you calculate the distances of the perihelion and aphelion? When a planet is at perihelion, why does its orbit speed up, but not straight in the towards the Sun? What is Pluto's aphelion distance if eccentricity is .248 and perihelion is 29.73 AU? The distance between the perihelion and aphelion of the sun is 10A.U. What is its orbital period in term of years? Which planet in our solar system has the most satellites? Why do planets orbit the sun in an ellipse? Is it probable that life once existed on Mars? Is it possible that life could exist on Jupiter? What is at the core of the gas giants? Is it possible for us to breath on Mars? How different is the atmosphere? Question #96ceb What is a hemisphere? What are hemispheres? Whats is the importance of hemispheres? What is the proof that electron degeneracy pressure exists in earth and other planets (including asteroids)? How does the retrograde motion of Mercury compare with that of Mars? How would you rank the five Terrestrial planets in order of size (not mass)? How many rings does Jupiter have? Which planets in our solar system have rings? What are Saturn's rings made of? How many moons does Saturn have? Does Saturn have moons? What evidence exists of planetary formation in other places in the universe? What is the hottest planet in our solar system? What is Saturn's position in the solar system? Why are astronomers more interested in exploring Mars rather than Venus? What keeps Mercury from being pulled into the sun? What is the mass of Jupiter? How did the gas giants become so large? What does precision refers to in astronomy? If Earth is about 4.6 billion years old, how many precessional cycles have occurred? How is this calculated? What is meant by rotation and revolution of a planet? In astronomy, what is the difference between rotation and revolution? At what point does the ecliptic cut the celestial equator? What is the difference between planetary revolution and rotation? Are they the same thing? Is the sidereal day defined as the time it takes a body to rotate on its axis or is that a stellar day? How do you calculate right ascension and declination? How long does it take for the Earth to circle the sun? How long does it take for Jupiter to orbit the sun? How long does it take for Neptune to orbit the sun? The fact that the position of the constellations changes throughout the year is evidence the Earth is what? Could a wormhole be caused in space by somehow placing planets too closely together thus wearing out and eventually tearing the space between planets? Are all planets layered? From Thesky6 programme I've calculated that the mean sidereal day is 86164.1207742 seconds. Not all numbers may be significant, but is there a more accurate calculation & from where? Approximately how many moons are there in the solar system that are larger than Pluto? What gave us close up views of the gas giants and showed us their moons? Question #bc1f8 Why is Uranus tilted 98° away from its ecliptic plane? Question #3c9df Question #54c51 Question #5362e How long did it take for Jupiter to form? How long did it take for Venus to form? How is it that the elliptical quality of the moon's orbit creates accelerated motion? Why do planets have elliptical orbits? How do the planets orbit the Sun? Question #96d76 Why are uranus and Neptune called the ice giant planets? Why do planets not twinkle? How would you draw a venn diagram comparing the inner and outer planets? Question #3a3d5 Io, a satellite of Jupiter, has an orbital period of 1.77 days and an orbital radius of 4.22 X 10^5 km. From these data, how would you determine the mass of Jupiter? Question #3d8f2 Question #a4f56 What is the closest planet to us? How many planets are believed to have life on them? What are the 10 planets names in order? Why was Pluto downgraded to a dwarf planet? Do any other planet in our solar system have Iron metal, not necessarily in the core? How do we know there are other planets out there? Is there any proof? How many suns does Saturn have? What is the youngest and the oldest planet? How many planets support life? Are there any unconfirmed planets in our solar system? How many planets in the universe are like earth? How many new planets are discovered on average in one year? What does it mean when astronomers say planets are aligned? What is a brief description of the planet Mercury? How do you find the difference in distance between earth and Mars at different points in their orbits? What is the shape of planetary orbits? Why isn't Pluto a planet anymore? Why is Pluto now classified as a dwarf planet? Why was it downgraded? What is the farthest planet from the sun? Is there any proof of life on other planets or in other galaxies? What is Jupiter's red spot made of? What is Jupiter made of? What causes seasons? When were the most massive elements (such as those that make up rocky planets like Earth) formed? There are rumors that there is a planet between Mercury and Venus. How valid are these rumors and what are they based on? If you stand on Mars and look at the sun, how differently would it look from when we see the sun from earth? What would Mars' moons look like if we were standing on the surface in comparison to how our moon looks when standing on Earth? Why does Mars have no tectonic plates? How do plate tectonics relate to volcanoes on other planets? Imagine that you are looking at pictures sent back of a newly discovered planet. You are specifically looking for evidence of plate tectonics. What topographic features would you look for and why? How big is the planet Mars? What is the biggest planet in the Milky Way? What is the name of biggest planet in the universe? What is the smallest known planet in solar system? Is Jupiter the biggest planet in the universe? Does Jupiter give off heat? Does Jupiter emit heat? If so, is it enough to support life on one of its moons? How many planets do we have within our solar system? How many have been discovered in the galaxy? Why is Mercury so small? Will Mercury eventually be pulled into the sun? Why is Mercury's orbit so fast? What is the velocity of Mercury's orbit? What planet has the highest winds? Which planet has the greatest variation in surface temperature? How do astronomers measure the wind speed on other planets? Why is Venus the brightest planet in our Solar System? Which planet has the longest day (rotational period)? How long does it take to complete an orbit of the Sun? What is the brightest planet seen from earth? Which planet has the smallest density? Which of the major planets has the largest day to night surface temperature difference? What are the smallest and biggest dwarf planets of our solar system? What is the smallest planet? What is the coldest planet? Hottest? Which planet has the most surface gravity? Which planets have the shortest and longest rotation times? Which planets have the shortest and longest revolution times? Which planets are known as the terrestrial planets? Which are known as the gas giants? Which planet rotates counterclockwise? What planet has sulphuric acid rain? How did astronomers determine this? What planets have no moons? Which have only one moon? Which has the greatest number of moons? Which planets have no atmosphere? Which planet has a giant red spot that is a hurricane? How did astronomers determine Pluto wasn't a planet? What criteria separates a planet from a dwarf planet? What planet has the longest year? Why do the outer planets take so much longer to orbit the sun than the inner planets? Why do astronomers believe Jupiter's Red Spot is a hurricane? Why do some believe that Jupiter is a failed star? Does Jupiter give off enough heat to make life possible on one of its moons? Where do the moons of Saturn orbit? Within the rings or outside? Why does Saturn have bands across its surface? What types of materials make up Saturn's rings? What is Neptune composed of? How many rings does Neptune have? How and when were they discovered? What made the rings of Saturn? What is the largest planet ever discovered? Are there gaps between Saturn's rings? What is the shortest gap? What is the longest? How often do Saturn's rings disappear? What causes this to happen? How fast do the winds on the other planets blow? How long does it take for 55 Cancri e to rotate/revolve? Question #e4b7b Question #684f9 Question #375a9 Question #c26f4 Question #6385c Question #6ad34 Question #16fc2 Does hydrogen exists as a gas, liquid, and solid within Jupiter? Question #92ee2 Any information on the interior of Phobos? How did planets come into existence? Our Solar System View all chapters The Sun The Planets Our Moon Components of the Solar System The Earth Prev Next