How many feet underground is there water?

1 Answer
Mar 28, 2017

There is no fixed value. Sometimes 1 ft. sometimes over 1000 ft.


Depending on your location, topography, climate, etc. groundwater can be found somewhere. According to the USGS (2013) "Depth to water ranges from 0 ft below the surface along major rivers and streams to a maximum estimated at more than 1,200 ft below land surface on the southern slopes of Larch Mountain ". The majority of groundwater aquifers lay 100 ft below ground zero.

In Turkey, I ordered a hydrogeological company to dig a well two years ago in a mostly forested, pristine, 1050 ft elevated (from mean sea level) field in Çanakkale (Dardanelles). They found a nice groundwater aquifer at a depth of 180 feet (55 meters).

However, there are regions (semiarid ones) that you can find groundwater when you dig more than 1000 feet in the World.

USGS (United States Geological Survey). (2013). Estimated Depth to Ground Water and Configuration of the Water Table. Retrieved from the web: