How many orbitals are in a set of Sp2 hybrid orbitals? Chemistry Molecular Orbital Theory Orbital Hybridization 1 Answer MAT Nov 14, 2015 There are 3 orbitals. Explanation: In sp^2sp2 hybridization one s and 2 p orbitals are mixed up to form equal number of orbitals having same energy and shape. Answer link Related questions How does carbon use its "s"s and "p"p orbitals to form bonds in ethyne, ethene, and ethane? Question #fb1f7 Question #788a2 How do pi and sigma bonds relate to hybridization? What is the orbital hybridization in BrCl3? What is the orbital hybridization theory? What is the hybridization of NH_3NH3? What hybridization is involved in the carbon-carbon bonds? What is the hybridization in "CO"_2CO2? What hybrid orbitals are used by phosphorus in the PCl4+ cations? See all questions in Orbital Hybridization Impact of this question 5962 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License