How might a prolonged drought in a region affect renewable water resources and the economic activities that depend on those resources?

1 Answer
Aug 3, 2018

A prolonged drought will empty the aquafur , reservoirs, lakes, and ground water, causing significant economic hardship on the area affected.


Water is essential to agriculture, and food production. A prolonged drought will make reduce the available food. Lack of rain will cause feed sources to dry out, causing the death of livestock. Beast of burden used for transportation, and labour will not be available for economic activities. Streams used for energy such as grist mills will not have the power to run the machinery. Rivers and lakes used for transportation will not useable.

Prolonged droughts are suggested as reasons for the Mayan Empire cities to be abandoned, for the cities of the four corners in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Nevada to be left empty. Prolonged drougths can affect economic activities to the extent that civilizations can fail.