How to tell if a central element in a molecule needs to form hybridized orbitals?

1 Answer
Feb 18, 2016

Simply put, if a central atom has to bond to more than one outer atom, especially if more than one outer atom is different, it has to hybridize.

Diatomic molecules will always point compatible sigmaσ bonding orbital lobes along the internuclear axis, and be able to pair compatible orbitals, so there is no hybridization in molecules like "HCl"HCl, "NO"^(+)NO+, "Cl"_2Cl2, etc.

An easy way to tell when an atom has to hybridize is to count the number of surrounding atoms. I've listed examples below. Essentially:

  • Octahedral electron geometry? sp^3d^2sp3d2
  • Trigonal bipyramidal electron geometry? sp^3dsp3d
  • Tetrahedral electron geometry? sp^3sp3
  • Trigonal planar electron geometry? sp^2sp2
  • Linear polyatomic electron geometry? spsp



Oxygen in "H"_2"O"H2O has to contribute four sp^3sp3-hybridized atomic orbitals to bond because:

  1. It is bonding to more than one hydrogen. That tells you that hybridization can occur.
  2. It is bonding in a non-horizontal direction to at least one hydrogen. That tells you that hybridization should occur to orient all the orbitals correctly.
  3. It is bonding identically to each hydrogen. That tells you that hybridization has occurred to make the orbitals compatible.

It is sp^3sp3 because four electron groups are surrounding oxygen: two bonding to one hydrogen each, and two lone pairs not bonding at all.

Oxygen had to hybridize one 2s2s and three 2p2p orbitals together to generate four diagonal-oriented orbitals in three dimensions (x,y,zx,y,z). Two of them could be used, but are not being used.



Boron in "BH"_3BH3 has to contribute three sp^2sp2-hybridized atomic orbitals to bond because:

  1. It is bonding to more than one hydrogen. That tells you that hybridization can occur.
  2. It is bonding in a non-horizontal direction to at least one hydrogen. That tells you that hybridization should occur to orient all the orbitals correctly.
  3. It is bonding identically to each hydrogen. That tells you that hybridization has occurred to make the orbitals compatible.

It is sp^2sp2 because three electron groups are surrounding boron: three bonding to one hydrogen each, and one empty p_zpz orbital from boron that isn't compatible with hydrogen's 1s1s atomic orbital. It isn't using that one to bond at the moment.

Boron had to hybridize one 2s2s and two 2p2p orbitals together to generate three diagonal-oriented orbitals in two dimensions (x,yx,y).



One chosen carbon in "H"-"C"-="C"-"H"HCCH has to contribute two spsp-hybridized atomic orbitals to bond because:

  1. It is bonding to more than one atom. That tells you that hybridization could occur.
  2. It is NOT bonding in a non-horizontal direction with any atoms. This doesn't tell you anything about hybridization.
  3. It is NOT bonding identically to each surrounding atom (the other "C"C and a "H"H). That tells you that hybridization had to occur to make the orbitals of "C"C and "H"H compatible. Naturally, "C"C is compatible with itself, so hybridization is necessary to bond with BOTH "C"C and "H"H.

It is spsp because two electron groups are surrounding one chosen carbon: one bonding to one hydrogen and one bonding to the other carbon.

Carbon had to hybridize one 2s2s and one 2p2p orbital together to generate two horizontally-oriented spsp hybridized orbitals in one dimension to sigmaσ bond to two different atoms.

Separately, the remaining two bonds to be made to the other carbon (one triple bond has one sigmaσ and two piπ bonds) are made using the p_xpx and p_ypy atomic orbitals of carbon.

So, with acetylene, carbon is using two spsp hybridized atomic orbitals and one 2p_x2px and one 2p_y2py atomic orbital to bond.