How would you use permutations to find the arrangements possible if a line has all the boys stand together?

1 Answer
Jan 31, 2016

If there are GG girls and BB boys
and all the boys stand together there are
color(white)("XXX")(G+1)G!B!XXX(G+1)G!B! possible arrangements.


If the boys are inserted together in a line of GG girls,
there are color(red)("("G+1")")(G+1) different places the boys could be inserted each giving a different arrangement.
(One way to see this is to consider how many girls would be to the left of the group of boys; the choices are {0, 1, 2, ...,G} for (G+1) different possibilities.

The girls could be arranged in color(blue)(G!) different sequences:

G choices for the first position;
color(white)("XX")(G-1) for the second (once the first has been determined)
color(white)("XXXX")(G-2) for the third (once the first two have been determined)
color(white)("XXXXXX")(G-3) for the fourth...
and so on, until ...
color(white)("XXXXXXXXXXXX")2 for the second last position
color(white)("XXXXXXXXXXXXX")1 for the last position.
For a combination of
color(white)("XXX")G xx (G-1) xx (G-2) xx (G-3) xx ... xx 2 xx1 = G! different permutations.

Similarly the boys could be arranged in
color(white)("XXX")color(green)(B!) different permutations.

for each of the color(red)("("G+1")") locations where the boys could be inserted in the line of girls
color(white)("XXX")there are color(blue)(G!) permutations of girsl,
color(white)("XXX")and for each of these joint combinations
color(white)("XXXXXX")there are color(green)(B!) permutations of boys.

Giving color(red)("("G+1")")*color(blue)(G!)*color(green)(B!) different permuations.