Math formatting "Pro Tips" edition: Definition by cases! - "?"
2 Answers
I've (finally) found a way to write definitions by cases for functions.
The syntax looks like this
hashtag { (expression 1, "case 1"), (expression 2, "case 2"), (expression 3, "case 3") ... (expression n, "case n") :} hashtag
Here's an example
- Without the hashtags
f(x) = { (x^2, ", if x is even"), (2x + 1, ", if x is odd") :}
- With the hashtags
Aparently, if you use
However, if you want the first bracket removed, but still keep this format, you'll have to write
- Without the hashtags
{: ("if x is > 0, ", x^2), ("if x is < 0, ", 2x+1) :}} = f(x)
- With the hashtags
This could also be used for absolute values equations and stuff like that
- Without the hashtags
|x + 2| = { (x +2, ", if x + 2" >= "0"), (-x-2, ", if x + 2 < 0") :}
- With the hashtags
This is just a practice answer.
So, the synthax for writing matrices looks iooks like this
- Without the hashtags
( (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3) )
- With the hashtags
Basically, you group the rows by using parantheses and you write them one after the other. Check out more examples of matrices here:
For piecewise functions, you can write
- Without the hashtags
{ (2x+2, ", x">="0"), (x^2, ", x<0") :}
- With the hashtags
The trick here is to write