In a bouquet of flowers, there are 7 daisies and 17 roses. How do you write the ratio of daisies to roses in three different ways?
1 Answer
A ratio is simply a way of comparing two quantities. In essence, a ratio between two numbers will tell you how much bigger one of the numbers is compared with the other.
For two numbers
- using the word to
This one is pretty straightforward; to write the ratio of
a " to " ba to b
- using the colon punctuation mark instead of to
You can write the ratio between
a : ba:b
- using a fraction
You can also write the ratio between
So, your bouquet of flowers contains 7 daisies and 17 roses. You can thus write the ratio of daisies to roses like this
"daisies to roses"-> color(green)("7 to 17")daisies to roses→7 to 17
"daisies to roses"-> color(green)(7:17)daisies to roses→7:17
"daisies to roses" -> color(green)(7/17)daisies to roses→717