Is it possible to perform basic operations on complex numbers in polar form?

1 Answer
Jan 6, 2015

Yes, of course.

Polar form is very convenient to multiply complex numbers.
Assume we have two complex numbers in polar form:
Then their product is
Performing multiplication on the right, replacing i^2i2 with -11 and using trigonometric formulas for cosine and sine of a sum of two angles, we obtain
The above is a polar representation of a product of two complex numbers represented in polar form.

Raising to any real power is also very convenient in polar form as this operation is an extension of multiplication:

Addition of complex numbers is much more convenient in canonical form z=a+i*bz=a+ib. That's why, to add two complex numbers in polar form, we can convert polar to canonical, add and then convert the result back to polar form.
The first step (getting a sum in canonical form) results is

Converting this to a polar form can be performed according to general rule of obtaining modulus (absolute value) and argument (phase) of a complex number represented as z=a+i*bz=a+ib where
a=r_1cos(phi_1)+r_2cos(phi_2)a=r1cos(ϕ1)+r2cos(ϕ2) and

This general rule states that
z=r[cos(phi)+i*sin(phi)]z=r[cos(ϕ)+isin(ϕ)] where
r=sqrt(a^2+b^2)r=a2+b2 and
angle phiϕ (usually, in radians) is defined by its trigonometric functions
(it's not defined only if both a=0a=0 and b=0b=0).
Alternatively, we can use these equations to define angle phiϕ:
If a!=0a0, tan(phi)=b/atan(ϕ)=ba. Or, if b!=0b0, cot(phi)=a/bcot(ϕ)=ab.