What is 2(cos330+isin330)?

1 Answer
Feb 7, 2015

It is a Complex Number z given in trigonometric form:
This complex number has a modulus of 2 and an argument of 330° which help you to plot this particular number on a Complex Plane.
i is the imaginary unit and represents sqrt(-1).
These numbers are particularly useful when you want to solve a second degree equation which has a negative Delta (or discriminant) or in general when you have a problem involving negative square roots.
Each complex number can be plotted using either the trigonometric form (as in your case) or the corresponding rectangular form a+ib:

enter image source here

If you want to change your number into rectangular form you simply multiply 2 times the quantities in bracket, giving:
You can now plot again your complex number with 1.732 on the REAL axis (Re) and -1 on the IMMAGINARY axis (Im):

enter image source here

Which gives you the same position.

Hope it helps.