On analysing a sample of water, a chemist finds that 100cm3 of it contains 0.007g of calcium carbonate. What is the concentration of calcium carbonate in ppm?

1 Answer
Jan 11, 2017

1 ppm1mgL1


And thus concentration = Mass of soluteVolume.


And thus 0.070gL170mgL170 ppm.

At these concentrations, we don't really have to worry too much about the density of the solution. 70 ppm denotes a concentration of 70mgL1 with respect to calcium carbonate. Of course this will be a GREATER concentration than the concentration with respect to the metal ion. Why should this be so?

I think you can see why a concentration of 1mgL1 is referred to as a part per million. A litre of water has a mass of 1000g, and each of these grams is composed of a 1000mg (i.e. 1mg=103g. 1000×1000million, hence 1mg 1 part per million.