Show that the diagonals of a trapezoid divide it into four triangles of which two have the same area? "equi-extension"
1 Answer
In general a trapezoid is defined as a quadrilateral with two parallel sides. An isosceles trapezoid is a special case of trapezoid which has lateral symmetry, meaning that one side would be a mirror of the other.
The image above depicts an isosceles trapezoid,
The area of a triangle can be found using the identity:
If we consider side
Now we can also see that triangle
If we subtract the area of AED from both ABD and DCA, we can see that the areas of ABE and DCE are indeed equal.
Although I illustrated this proof with an isosceles trapezoid, none of the work was specific to a regular trapezoid. Therefore, the side triangles for any trapezoid can be shown to be equal using the same reasoning.