The function f is defined by f(x)=x^4-4x^2+x+1f(x)=x44x2+x+1 for -5<=x<=55x5. What is the interval in which the minimum of value of f occur?

1 Answer
Dec 31, 2016

Purely a graphical approximation; Minimum f = -4.63, nearly. This is improved to 8-sd,-4.44419194.4441919, using an iterative numerical method.


f-graph reveals approximations to all the four [zeros].


degree/zeros) of f in (-3, 2)

and the minimum occurs, in between negative zeros,

graph{x^4-4x^2+x+1 [-10, 10, -5, 5]}


The f'-graph reveals its zero near -1.55, for the turning point.

The third f-graph for tangency, with the tangent line, reveals

horizontal tangent at f = -4.63, nearly.

graph{4x^3-8x+1x^2 [-1.55, 0, -10, 10]}

graph{(x^4-4x^2+x+1-y)(y+4.63)=0 [-2.06, 0, -10, 10]}

This zero of f' is improved to 8-sd,-1.4729875, using an iterative

numerical method.

So, the required minimum is



Note: There are limitations to accuracy, in graphical approximations.