What are class limits?

1 Answer
Jan 31, 2015

When you group values in classes you have to set up the limits.

Say you measure the heights of 10,000 adults. These heights are measured accurately to the mm (0.001 m).

To work with these values and do statistics on them, or make histograms, such a fine division won't work. So you group your values into classes.

Say in our case we use 50 mm (0.05 m) intervals.

Then we will have a class of 1.50-<1.55 m, 1.55-<1.60 m etc.

Actually the 1.50-1.55 m class will have everyone from 1.495 (which will be rounded up) to 1.544 (which will be rounded down.
So these are the class limits.

There are other datasets, where class limits are set differently. Just one example: Age. 49 years may mean you've just started your midnight party, OR you're one minute away from your 50th birthday (and ever date/time in between). In this case the class limits are 49.000... and 49.999...