Frequency Distribution Statistics Organizing and Summarizing Data Frequency Distribution Questions How do i find class midpoints? When do I use class boundaries? What are class limits? What must the frequencies in a frequency distribution add up to? How do you find the cumulative frequency in a frequency table? How do you find the cumulative relative frequency? What information does an ogive provide? How do I calculate the lower class boundary and the upper class boundary for the class 40 - 59? What is a relative frequency distribution? What is a relative frequency table and what is it used for? Question #7ff33 Find the mode of {3,5,2,6,5,9,5,2,8,6}? Question #e777e What does a peak in the distribution of your data mean? Construct a frequency polygon using six classes and a class width of 3? Experimental/observational studies & relative frequencies? What term is used to describe the shape of a distribution in which the scores pile up on the left-hand side of the graph and taper off to the right? Organizing and Summarizing Data View all chapters Measures of Center Measures of Variability Categorical Graphs Simple Quantitative Displays Frequency Distribution The Histogram Measuring Relative Position Boxplots Linear Transformations What is Statistics? Prev Next