What is the hybridization for C2H6? my teacher wrote sp-s sigma bond [C-H] and sp-sp sigma bond[C-C]

1 Answer
Mar 1, 2016

Either your teacher is incorrect or your molecular formula is incorrect.


"C"_2"H"_6C2H6 has an sp^3sp3 hybridization on each carbon because of the four electron groups surrounding each carbon. It made four identical bonds in a perfect tetrahedral geometry, which means it needed four identical orbitals to make those bonds.

Each carbon has to hybridize one 2s2s and three 2p2p orbitals in order to generate four identical sp^3sp3 orbitals that are compatible in symmetry with hydrogen's 1s1s orbitals.


Therefore, each "C"-"H"CH bond in "C"_2"H"_6C2H6 is between an sp^3sp3 of carbon (YELLOW) and a 1s1s of hydrogen (BLUE sphere), i.e. an sp^3-ssp3s connection (the YELLOW/BLUE overlap in (b)), and each "C"-"C"CC bond is an sp^3-sp^3sp3sp3 connection (the YELLOW overlap in (b)).


On the other hand, "C"_2"H"_2C2H2 would match your teacher's observations.

With two electron groups on a POLYatomic molecule, each carbon requires only two spsp lobes and hence only one spsp hybridized orbital to bond with the other carbon AND a single hydrogen.


In this case we can see that:

  • The spsp of carbon 1 (YELLOW dumbbell) overlaps with one hydrogen's 1s1s (BLUE sphere) to make a \mathbf(sigma) bond.
  • The sp of carbon 1 (YELLOW dumbbell) overlaps with the sp of carbon 2 (YELLOW dumbbell) and vice versa to make a \mathbf(sigma) bond.
  • The sp of carbon 2 (YELLOW dumbbell) overlaps with the second hydrogen's 1s (BLUE sphere) to make a \mathbf(sigma) bond.

Each triple bond incorporates an additional p_x"/"p_x and p_y"/"p_y overlap between carbons 1 and 2, accounting for two pi bonds (i.e. p-p connections).

Hence, when including those two p-p pi bonds with the sp-sp sigma bond between carbons 1 and 2, we have accounted for the the triple bond between carbons 1 and 2.

(One triple bond = 1 sigma + 2 pi bonds)